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Yoga at the Park

Bringing more light into our world

Peace In The Park

We are living in a time of immense change.


For many it can feel like things are getting heavy and dark and we're powerless to do anything about it. 


Peace In The Park is one way we can help bring more light into our world


Every Sunday we come together in your local park for 30 minutes to sit and offer loving light-filled energy out into the world. 


It's simple. It's easy. And more than anything it feels good to calm, balance and reset your own energy while making a more positive difference to the world we all share. 

is simple:

To bring as many people together as possible on a weekly basis to offer unconditional love, light and peace into the world.

is clear:

EVERY SUNDAY we gather at 8am in local parks to offer LIGHT-FILLED LOVING energy, creating a MOMENT OF LIGHT together on our planet to help UPLIFT the ENERGY IN OUR WORLD

Our INTENT is three-fold:

In coming together in this way our intent is that people experience more:
1 - Inner peace and calm at an individual level, to help reduce increasing anxiety levels and mental health concerns

2 - Connection and belonging at a community level, to help address growing problems of isolation, disconnection and loneliness, and
3 - Harmony and balance at a global level, to help ease rising tensions, divisions and conflicts occurring in our world

Enjoying Nature

Global initiative.
Local action.
Led by You and Me.

Join Us

Every Sunday we come together at 8am in your local park for just 30 minutes to listen to the FREE weekly guided meditation to radiate loving light into our world.

If no one has gathered in your local park, take it as a sign YOU are the perfect person to start Peace In The Park in your local community.


Simply go to your local park at 8am next Sunday, find a comfy place to sit, and then listen to the guided meditation to bring about positive changes within your self, your local community and the greater world we all share.

If you find yourself hesitating, thinking, ‘Who am I to do this? There’s nothing special about me? I'm just one person...’, instead ask the question, ‘Who am I not to do this?’


Never doubt the power you hold as an individual to affect the energy of the world around you. As you do the meditation in your local park you tap into the global community of other people doing the same meditation, and so you help generate an even greater affect on the world than any of us could ever achieve on our own.


When you're finished, you get to enjoy the rest of your day feeling more at peace within yourself, in the knowing you've contributed to something greater than yourself to help create a positive shift in the collective energy we all share.

It begins with YOU and I...

ordinary PEOPLE taking
extra-ordinary ACTION

We get it... Life's busy.


Why bother making time to join Peace In The Park when there's so many other things you could be doing?


Here's 10 good reasons why the world needs YOU to join us next Sunday:

  1. You're tiredbusy, stressed

  2. You have difficulty switching off from technology, the news

  3. You experience negative thought patterns, fears, self doubts, anxiety

  4. You feel isolated, lonely, disconnected, alone at times 

  5. You're worried about some of the events occurring in our world

  6. You're overwhelmed by the enormity of some of our global problems and how to fix them

  7. You feel powerless as just one person to make any significant change or have any real impact

  8. You're concerned about the rising levels of anger, tension, conflict, divisionpolarisation between people in our world 

  9. You want to feel more connected with other like-minded, like-hearted people

  10. Ultimately you wish people could listen to each other more, be more caring, and finds ways to live in peace

DO good.
FEEL good.

Doing the Peace In The Park meditation every Sunday morning is a great way to clear your energy and set yourself up for the coming week ahead.


The more often you do it, the more you'll notice the benefits as it helps you:


  • Relax

  • Quiet your mind

  • Calm your nervous system

  • Anchor and ground your energy

  • Connect with yourself and others at a deeper level

  • Foster a greater level of inner peace, harmony and wellbeing

  • Meet new people, make new friends, experience a greater sense of belonging and community

  • Overcome differences and foster more kindness and loving acceptance between people

  • Feel like you're making a positive difference

  • Plant new seeds of courage and hope to create a brighter future for our world

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Together we can achieve so much more than any of us ever dreamed possible

While doing a simple 30 minute meditation might seem insignificant, in truth it may be the most powerful thing we can do to help shift our individual and collective energies to create more light in our world. 


Imagine how different our world would be if every Sunday morning at 8am millions of people gathered together in their local parks across every country and continent on our planet to radiate loving energy and light.


Over 24 hours a wave of healing, loving energy would travel across our planet, uplifting all who were touched by it, to reconnect us all with the light of our shared humanity.

Why your local park?

Parks are a great place to get away from the busyness of our day-to-day lives.


A place to connect with nature, to anchor and ground our energy.


A place to be still, connect inwards, and come back home to the heart of our being.


They're also a great place to come together as equals, free of those things that ordinarily cause us to see each other through a lens of separation, of ‘us’ and ‘them.’ A place where we can meet as strangers to develop a greater sense of shared community and belonging.


And as we do the Peace In The Park meditation in our local park, we radiate light within our local community and shift the energy we are contributing within the greater global energy field of humankind, of which we are all part.


Of course, during winter months or rainy days, if its too cold or wet for you to gather in your local park, a local community hall also makes a great place for people to gather together to do the 30 minute meditation.

Woman Walking Outdoors


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Who's invited?

Peace In The Park is all inclusive. Whether you're religious or not, of faith or not, have meditated before or not, are 'spiritual' or not, doesn’t matter. Regardless of age, race, gender, sexuality, social status, political persuasion, or any other way we might identify ourselves, Peace In The Park is for YOU, ME and EVERYONE.


Come on your own. Bring a friend. Bring your children, your parents, grandparents, neighbours, work mates, walking buddies... all are welcome.


Simply head to your local park each Sunday morning at 8am and listen to the FREE 30 minute guided meditation:

Or download the transcript if you prefer to read rather than listen:

The only thing we ask is you...

1 - Arrive on time - set an alarm and make sure you allow plenty of time to find a comfy spot to sit before you start the meditation at 8am

2 - Leave quietly - be sure not to disturb other people using the park

3 - Take care of the space - take any rubbish with you and leave only loving energy behind, and

4 - Respect the purpose of the gathering - offer loving light-filled energy during your time in the park and save any conversations on other topics for a different time or place. 


And be sure to share lots of friendly smiles while you're there. Never underestimate the power of a genuine heartfelt smile between strangers :)))

Be bold. Be courageous.
Be the first person to start in your local area.

And let other people know you're there by wearing your Peace In The Park t-shirt or hoodie. Or plant one of our fun signs in the ground while you're there [LINK] so other people can find out more info without disturbing you while you're meditating.


It’s a fantastic way to raise awareness and after a while you’ll find more and more people want to join you because the energy feels so good.


(link to SHOP and highlight sponsors and indicates we are a not-for-profit and $1 from every t-shirt sold helps support the spread of more positive energy)

Utilise the energy of your frustrations and concerns to EMPOWER YOU and become an AGENT OF CHANGE in our world

Become a

Green Thumb

If you’d like to help start spreading positive energy in your local area and/or city, we’d love to hear from you and connect you with our global community of local Ambassadors.


It doesn’t require any additional effort on your part, and in return you get to hang out with a wonderful community of like-hearted people from all over the world, so feel free to get in touch and say hello!


(Link to Ambassadors page with more info as to what’s involved)

Become a local or global DONOR or SPONSOR

Clean Up

We are a not-for-profit local community, global unity organisation, reliant 100% on donations and sponsorship to spread the word about the Peace In The Park project.


We welcome individual, business, and community sponsors to help... 


In return we will...

(link to info page)

Follow Us

Instructions on how to spread the word and share your images... tags to use and what to show... also signs in front of you to encourage people to 'scan me'

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